Melissa's Urban Mix Plate

California, Part 1
California, Part 2
New Orleans
Guide to Getting There
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Happy Holidays! Errr.....OK, the holidays have come and gone. If you noticed, though, I got this out before Chinese New Year!
It seems like 2007 really went by faster than other years...but it was kind of a gruelling year, so that may not be a bad thing. I'm still the marketing manager at Aloha Tower Marketplace, working on a ton of events to bring food, fashion, and fun to the forefront of people's minds here. I've also continued to dabble in freelance writing for Gannett's special projects. More than anything, though, I think my most visible work this year has been my community blog on Check it out! I think I post about once a week, and many people have said it's entertaining. Please leave comments! Comments don't appear right away but are always appreciated.
I didn't really travel as much this year, but I hope you enjoy my trip reports and find them useful. As you can see, the highlight of my entire life was meeting Stacy & Clinton from "What Not to Wear" when I was wandering around the Mall of America. I mowed down a crowd of people just to get this photo on the right. I'm not easily starstruck, but this was an exception. After taking this photo, I couldn't stop shaking!
For you Top Chef fans, I got to meet Dale Levitski when he blew through Honolulu to design a new dish at Hank's Haute Dogs. I was thrilled, but not as thrilled as meeting Stacy & Clinton.
Finally, thanks to my buddy Mei Jeanne Wagner, I got to rub elbows with the cast of Disney's The Lion King after opening night. I wanted to take more photos, but my nieces, Emi & Ahnya, were shy for the first time in their lives!
Anyway, as I do every year, I have created a guide to the best things I ate this year. Please note that I did try more places than are described in this site; I am just logging in my favorites. For a complete list of the restaurants (as well as some extras), go here.

Ready to explore? Let's go!

From the Archives:
2007 Newsletter (late for 2006)

Some of the fabulous people I met this year:

The highlight of my LIFE~Meeting Stacy & Clinton
I mowed down a crowd to meet the hosts of "What not to wear."

Meeting Dale Levitski of "Top Chef" fame
He was in town making a new dish at Hank's Haute Dogs

With Geno Segers and Dion Wilson of The Lion King
Geno played Mufasa.

W/ Charmaine Katsuyoshi, cheetah in The Lion King
Ahnya, Charmaine, me, and Emi